Elements of a fantastic thank you page

Sep 22, 2017 by
Elements of a fantastic thank you page

In terms of site design, certain pages get more attention than others. For instance, most business owners spend a lot of time on their “About Us” page, carefully crafting a compelling business story that new customers will relate to. Likewise, product pages and landing pages receive a lot of attention since they lead to sales and other conversions.

However, there is one page that business owners neglect time and time again: the thank you page. This is the page that people are shown once they’ve purchased a product or opted into your mailing list.

By optimising your thank you page, you can drive additional conversions, build authority and cement a relationship with your customers. Since so many businesses feature uncreative, boring thank you pages this is an opportunity for you to beat the competition.

Social proof

A thank you page is a great place to post reviews and testimonials from clients. You may consider using video testimonials since video content is so popular at the moment, but text reviews are okay too.

Writing for Hubspot, Chase Cleckner states:

When I see plain-text testimonials on a site with no name or picture attached, I’m a little skeptical. That type of testimonial can appear to be coming from the business being recommended, and it’s hard to judge how honest they are. The beauty of video testimonials is that not only do they show you who the review is coming from, but give you an emotional connection with the person’s story.

Also, if you have any quotes from influencers in your niche, publish them here. This makes people feel good about making the purchase and will make them feel excited about using their new product.


QuestionsWhile some entrepreneurs love to convey themselves as creative visionaries with unique ideas, succeeding at business is often actually a process of discovering what your target audience wants and then delivering your own version to them (no unique ideas involved). With a thank you page survey, you can find vital insights into your audience so that you can serve them better.

Questions to ask include:

  1. How did you hear about us?
  2. What are your current frustrations that keep you up at night?
  3. What are your long-term goals?
  4. How do you feel our product or service can help you?
  5. Are there any additional products or services that we should offer?
  6. What could we do better?
  7. Why did you choose this brand instead of a competitor?

Authentic communication

Although it’s best to keep your thank you page text succinct, don’t be afraid to show genuine appreciation for their action. If someone has purchased from you, it’s important to let them know that they’re valued. This works well in conjunction with a customer survey, since you can really show you care about the opinions of your customers.

Also, you might want to inject some humanity into your brand. A smiling image of the people who work at the company can be a great addition to the page (as long as it’s real!), as can some friendly insights about what goes on behind the scenes.

Valuable links

In order to build a great connection with new customers or email subscribers, include some links to your favourite blog posts on your thank you page. A good blog post should provide value to its readers, ideally through actionable advice that a reader can take away and use to their advantage immediately.

Because you’re helping people instead of selling to them, this will build trust, which leads to relationships and eventually, creates brand advocates. Consider publishing a list of resources that customers in your niche would appreciate (this post is a great example in the Internet marketing niche).


Whether you’re looking to drive more sales, impart useful knowledge to your customers or just cultivate a relationship, your thank you page can be a terrific asset. Implement some or all of these features on your thank you page and you’ll create a better experience for your customers (which will be reciprocated when they keep coming back).
