How and Why You Should Be Using Social Listening

How and Why You Should Be Using Social Listening

In today’s increasingly digital world, the conversation about your brand is happening 24/7 whether you’re a part of it or not. Social media platforms, review sites, and online forums are buzzing with insights about your customers’ thoughts, opinions, and experiences. But how can brands tap into this vast, often chaotic, well of information? Enter social…


How to write the perfect social media post

How to write the perfect social media post

The title of this article could be accused of being rather misleading as there really is no definitive perfect social media post. That’s because there are so many factors to consider; from the platform and your brand to its audience and what you’re hoping to achieve with your marketing. For many, social media posts are…

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Understanding and taking advantage of Instagram’s algorithms

Understanding and taking advantage of Instagram’s algorithms

Algorithms are the wizards behind the curtain that control who sees our content and how they see it. They are also something that very few SEO marketers truly understand. Sure, they might grasp the basics of why they work but the “how” is often mired in mystery. In an effort to seemingly show how transparent…

6 tips for growing an instagram following

6 tips for growing an instagram following

In case you hadn’t heard, Instagram is kind of a big deal right now. With over 800 million monthly active users, the platform is essential for brands that want to stay in touch with their audiences.


How Snapchat can benefit your business

How Snapchat can benefit your business

Legendary entrepreneur and author, Gary Vaynerchuk, stated early this year: “Snapchat will be huge in 2016”. From May 2015 to January 2016, Snapchat’s daily video views have grown from 2 billion to 7 billion, and this figure continues to rise. With famous brands such as Taco Bell and Acura already rolling out comprehensive Snapchat strategies,…
