How to generate top-shelf content on a budget

How to generate top-shelf content on a budget

When it comes to content creation, as with most things in life, money certainly helps but it is far from the be-all-and-end-all answer to every problem. You can throw all the money in the world behind a bad idea, and it will still sink. It is more than possible to create top-shelf content on a…

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10 Types of Local Business Content for the Christmas Season

10 Types of Local Business Content for the Christmas Season

Of all the seasonal holidays, Christmas presents arguably the most glowing of golden opportunities for local businesses to engage with their communities as they spread festive cheer and take advantage of the season of spending. Simply relying on goodwill and cheer alone, however, is not going to get you any serious results.


What Google’s AI Policy Update Means for SEO

What Google’s AI Policy Update Means for SEO

Google has always been the archetypal forerunner, consistently shaping the way we experience the internet and beyond. It’s also always updating itself to better reflect the habits, wants and needs of its users so it was only a matter of time before it started to address the AI elephant in the room.

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SEO and Marketing News – Summer 2023

SEO and Marketing News – Summer 2023

The summer season is behind us and to say it’s been a pretty eventful one would be an understatement. As businesses and marketers alike adapt to new tools, techniques, and strategies involving AI, the season has been filled with groundbreaking news that will undoubtedly shape the industry’s future.

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How to Measure Your Brand in 2023

How to Measure Your Brand in 2023

At a time when technology seems to be advancing so fast that it’s almost impossible to keep up, it can feel like a challenge to truly understand your brand’s place and position of influence in the market. Whereas we could once measure brand effectiveness by simply tallying up annual profits, there is so much data…

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The Emerging Impact of 5G on the Digital Marketing World

The Emerging Impact of 5G on the Digital Marketing World

In the last few decades, innovation has been at the heart of the revolution in digital marketing. From the first great internet boom of the 90s to the mainstream adoption of mobile devices that headlined the first decade of the 21st century, each technological advancement has reshaped how businesses market their products and services.


Do Author Names Really Matter for Your Content?

Do Author Names Really Matter for Your Content?

What’s in a name? As it happens, quite a lot. For example, you’re more likely to buy a novel from an author you’ve enjoyed in the past than you are from a complete unknown. In the vast digital landscape, however, where millions of articles, blog posts, and other forms of content are published daily, you…
