5 quick and easy ways to boost your domain authority

Apr 24, 2020 by
5 quick and easy ways to boost your domain authority

There might be hundreds of increasingly complex factors used by Google to determine site ranking, but when it comes to importance, domain authority is right up there.

That’s because your domain authority speaks to how much attention people should be paying your site and how valid your content is, by extension.

It’s a great metric by which to measure SEO success as it provides a better understanding of how your entire website is performing, not just individual pages. It’s also surprisingly easy to transform a wet-behind-the-ears website into a major authoritative player, as long as you know the right buttons to position yourself. That is the wisdom that we’ll be attempting to impart over the next few hundred words.

This is by no means an exhaustive guide. Instead, what we’re trying to do here is present you with a quick and easy guide to understanding and implementing domain authority boosting. Where better to start than with the fundamentals?

Choose a relevant domain

Of course, this only counts if you’re just starting out, but if you represent a startup or any venture that’s about to take its first tentative steps online, the actual domain name is where you should focus your attention first. A good domain name is easy to remember and not too complicated. You might even want to consider buying an old domain with some miles on the clock, as domains naturally gain authority as they age.

Optimise content

Start with the basics – optimise your code, including title tags and the content itself to ensure you’ve given yourself the best chance to be noticed without going overboard. It can be easy to overlook the basics – but don’t.

When it comes to optimising content, it’s the little things that count: stick to a readable font (Arial and Helvetica are always good bets), include several variations on your main keywords, and keep your links short and relevant.

Make your content linkable 

Link building is the very essence of SEO and whilst finding authoritative sources to send your readers to is important, it’s even more important that the content you post is equally linkable.

Create linkable content by staying relevant and focusing on topics that are newsworthy and relevant to your brand. Moreover, the authoritative domains will be eager to link back to your site and your own star will be on the rise in no time.

Keep it internal

External link building is a valid tool, but don’t neglect the internal links. It’s so much easier to keep a closed loop when you’re leaving your users the right breadcrumbs to the other parts of your site they may find interesting or useful.

It’s a delicate balance, of course (you don’t want to stuff your pages with them), but the right amount of well-placed internal links make it easier for Google to index your site and keep visitors from leaving, which certainly can’t be a bad thing?

While we’re on the subject of links, by the way, you might also want to consider going through your site with a fine tooth-comb and getting rid of any toxic links that could be doing your authority more harm than good.

Load faster

One area that often gets overlooked is the loading speed of your site, with sites that take ages to load often experiencing heavy bounce rates.

Check your sites loading speed with PageSpeed by Google and it will also offer a few ideas for making your site faster and more usable.

Of course, there are countless other things you should be doing such as promoting on social media and ensuring your site is mobile-friendly. In addition, there’s also wisdom in not throwing all your eggs in one basket and taking your time, allowing your domain authority to develop organically.

But this is only meant as a guide to your first steps. Domain authority is something you’ll probably be working on for months and years to come.

So, don’t fret if you’re not seeing results instantaneously. SEO has always been more of a war than a battle.