Using audio content in your digital marketing

Using audio content in your digital marketing

The ingenuity of using audio content as a digital marketing tool is that the person listening does not have to be fully engaged, unlike when reading a blog post. One in four internet users listen to podcasts, and in the UK 76% of workers (Londoners excluded) travel to work – this represents an awful lot of people…

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Five blunders that will bury your blog

Five blunders that will bury your blog

In a previous article, we covered some of the most common SEO mistakes that bloggers can make. With this in mind, you’ll be glad to know that even if your blog is perfectly optimised for SEO, there are still plenty of mistakes you can make in terms of the content to ensure that your readership…

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Google Authorship: Is It Really Dead?

Google Authorship: Is It Really Dead?

During 2012, Google began rolling out a new feature called ‘Google Authorship’, designed to link authors (real people) to the content they published on the web. Google’s primary intentions were to assign a higher rank to sites with quality content and identify the authors of that content as ‘experts in their field’.

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