Should You Be Blocking AI Bots?

Should You Be Blocking AI Bots?

AI is officially mainstream. In fact, it’s slowly reshaping the world in its own image, at least if the scaremongers were to be believed. It’s not hyperbole, however, to suggest that large language models like OpenAI’s GPT and Google’s Bard have ushered in a significant debate in digital marketing. In such a climate, should businesses…

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Navigating the Paywall Puzzle: The Benefits and Challenges

Navigating the Paywall Puzzle: The Benefits and Challenges

When somebody hits a wall, they generally try to find a way either around or through it. Paywalls, however, are not something you can just plough through with brute strength or sneak around and over; they require users to part with their hard-earned cash and, for many, that can represent something of a red flag.

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How to Measure Your Brand in 2023

How to Measure Your Brand in 2023

At a time when technology seems to be advancing so fast that it’s almost impossible to keep up, it can feel like a challenge to truly understand your brand’s place and position of influence in the market. Whereas we could once measure brand effectiveness by simply tallying up annual profits, there is so much data…

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Top 10 Task Management Software Solutions for 2023

Top 10 Task Management Software Solutions for 2023

We’ve been conditioned, in this modern age, to accept the fact that we’re all supposed to be expert plate spinners when it comes to productivity. Keeping on top of all those plates at one time can prove exhausting, especially if you’re working from home, as so many of us are in this post-pandemic world. While…


Google Bard vs ChatGPT

Google Bard vs ChatGPT

In recent years, there has been a lot of excitement around advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), particularly in the development of language models that can generate text that could comfortably pass as “human.”

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