5 Powerful Google Ads Hacks

5 Powerful Google Ads Hacks

With Facebook facing a major backlash from advertisers in recent weeks, Google Ads has never been in a stronger position as the market leader for PPC advertising. But is everyone using the platform really making the most of it?

5 must-have Chrome extensions for SEO

5 must-have Chrome extensions for SEO

Google Chrome is, without question, the most popular and fully featured browser on the market right now and one of the many reasons it has become so ubiquitous is the extensions feature. This is an ingenious conception that makes the browser completely customisable to your specific needs and it’s something that has saved writers such…

Off-page SEO – what is it and how could you make the most of it?

Off-page SEO – what is it and how could you make the most of it?

Sometimes, what’s happening behind the scenes is just as important as what’s happening right before our eyes. Such is the case with SEO, because, whilst it is indeed important to focus on your web pages themselves, there are also actions that must be taken outside of your own site to give yourself the best chance of…

Making the most of self-isolation by expanding your marketing skill set

Making the most of self-isolation by expanding your marketing skill set

In times of great trouble, it can be far too easy to sit and fester, allowing worry to hold you back and anxiety to swarm your senses. But while many of us have, understandably, been blindsided and crestfallen by the COVID-19 pandemic, for those that are willing to see the wood for the trees, it actually…

June 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

June 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

Another month in lockdown and another month of crippling uncertainty for industries across the globe. For most of us, to say work is slow at the moment would be an understatement and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt.

The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing

The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing

There is no replacement for good content. Ultimately, it’s the strength of your content that will determine its value, this much is undeniable. However, if content marketing was really that simple then we’d all be experts by now, wouldn’t we?

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected website traffic?

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected website traffic?

With almost the entire world sequestered behind closed doors due to the coronavirus crisis, logic should surely dictate that site traffic would be up across the board, right? That’s perhaps the one silver lining to be found amongst the chaos, confusion, and devastation wrought by this strange and confusing moment in history.

May 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

May 2020 – SEO and Marketing News

Spring 2020 will forever be remembered as the spring we spent indoors and whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has indeed had a substantial impact on the SEO and online marketing sector, there is also a lot to be positive about.

What does the coronavirus mean for marketers?

What does the coronavirus mean for marketers?

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t just having an impact on our physical and mental health, but the health of our economy. With a potentially deadly virus spreading like wildfire and the world essentially on lockdown, our priorities shift – this includes how we spend our money.

How to use SEO to combat the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

How to use SEO to combat the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

SEO has been called a lot of things over the years but one thing it’s never been called is particularly helpful. It’s helpful to marketers, of course, and it’s certainly helpful for Google (otherwise, the results would be complete chaos) but few people have ever openly declared that good SEO has enriched their souls or…