Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

Top 10 WordPress launch tips for SEO

If you’ve got a WordPress site that you’re about to launch it’s worth going the extra mile to ensure it has the best chance of getting seen. If you’ve already got a WordPress site but you haven’t been actively optimising it, then its worth taking a step back and looking at it from another persons…

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Google Authorship: Is It Really Dead?

Google Authorship: Is It Really Dead?

During 2012, Google began rolling out a new feature called ‘Google Authorship’, designed to link authors (real people) to the content they published on the web. Google’s primary intentions were to assign a higher rank to sites with quality content and identify the authors of that content as ‘experts in their field’.

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Infographics part 2: how to promote your infographic effectively

Infographics part 2: how to promote your infographic effectively

If you’ve read our previous article on infographics, you’ll know that the primary key to success is designing an infographic that provides genuine value to people. In other words, it’s designed with an end result in mind. This end result might include: tackling a contentious issue, illustrating a complex technical concept, conveying the meaning behind…

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Infographics part 1: should I commission an infographic?

Infographics part 1: should I commission an infographic?

While infographics were all the rage last year, the hype surrounding them is not what it once was. Thanks to the emergence of a horde of terrible infographics, people have grown disenchanted with this form of content marketing. However, despite the abundance of bad infographics, it’s important not to throw out the baby with the…

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