5 ways to check if your Google Analytics is working

5 ways to check if your Google Analytics is working

For most marketers, Google Analytics is the single most valuable software they’ll ever use. Indeed, you would generally struggle to find anyone in the profession that doesn’t use it and with good reason. Given that most SEO work is all about appeasing Google, it makes sense that the brand’s very own analytical software would be…


The 3 new social media platforms that should be on your radar

The 3 new social media platforms that should be on your radar

Social media is always evolving. Indeed, a few years ago nobody had really heard of TikTok and today it’s arguably the app that is defining a generation (for better or worse). However, it’s easy for marketers to get comfortable using tried and tested platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn because they know how they work, and…

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How to write the perfect social media post

How to write the perfect social media post

The title of this article could be accused of being rather misleading as there really is no definitive perfect social media post. That’s because there are so many factors to consider; from the platform and your brand to its audience and what you’re hoping to achieve with your marketing. For many, social media posts are…

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Turning data insights into SEO strategies

Turning data insights into SEO strategies

SEO is all about data and data is the currency of the 21st century. But data alone is worth nothing, it’s all about what you do with it. This is particularly true in marketing, where data can completely transform your SEO strategies. But are you extracting enough value from your data? And what could you…

5 Powerful Google Ads Hacks

5 Powerful Google Ads Hacks

With Facebook facing a major backlash from advertisers in recent weeks, Google Ads has never been in a stronger position as the market leader for PPC advertising. But is everyone using the platform really making the most of it?

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

We’ll keep this one brief — times are tough for everyone at the moment, but as our team has always worked from home, we’re able to offer an uninterrupted service to all our clients.

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A guide to targeting your competitor’s keywords

A guide to targeting your competitor’s keywords

Targeting the direct competition has always been a popular advertising tactic and today, that tactic has evolved. It’s become common practice for brands to use their competitors as keywords, essentially bringing in potential custom by association.

Chasing SEO Success in 2020

Chasing SEO Success in 2020

The shifting sands of SEO are notorious for a reason – things rarely stay still for very long and marketers are constantly being caught with their metaphorical pants down as a result. The same optimisation techniques that were everyone’s go-to just a few years ago are now completely useless, as Google continues to grow smarter.

February 2020 – SEO and marketing news

February 2020 – SEO and marketing news

Brexit is finally (allegedly) sorted, but the SEO world keeps on spinning regardless. In the same month that Google Maps celebrates its 15th year (has it really been that long?), the search titans declare they are hiring for in-house SEO and make some pretty interesting declarations regarding URL length.

Has SEO become too complicated?

Has SEO become too complicated?

As marketers, we’re constantly being told that “SEO is changing” – but is it really? Yes, Google’s algorithm is always shifting the goalposts and yes, it’s now commonplace for many SEOs to spend as much time running tests and experiments as actual content creating. But are we overcomplicating it?

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