Why the biggest brands often make the worst content

Why the biggest brands often make the worst content

You’d think that the world’s most popular brands, with all the resources at their disposal, would be behind some of the best content out there. However, there is often a tendency for larger entities to coast on their own success and even those that try to keep quality control in check, even the largest brands…

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How to generate top-shelf content on a budget

How to generate top-shelf content on a budget

When it comes to content creation, as with most things in life, money certainly helps but it is far from the be-all-and-end-all answer to every problem. You can throw all the money in the world behind a bad idea, and it will still sink. It is more than possible to create top-shelf content on a…

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10 Types of Local Business Content for the Christmas Season

10 Types of Local Business Content for the Christmas Season

Of all the seasonal holidays, Christmas presents arguably the most glowing of golden opportunities for local businesses to engage with their communities as they spread festive cheer and take advantage of the season of spending. Simply relying on goodwill and cheer alone, however, is not going to get you any serious results.


Do Author Names Really Matter for Your Content?

Do Author Names Really Matter for Your Content?

What’s in a name? As it happens, quite a lot. For example, you’re more likely to buy a novel from an author you’ve enjoyed in the past than you are from a complete unknown. In the vast digital landscape, however, where millions of articles, blog posts, and other forms of content are published daily, you…


The Great POV Debate: Should Your Content Have a Personality?

The Great POV Debate: Should Your Content Have a Personality?

Picture this: you’re browsing the internet searching for that rare nugget of wisdom that will finally answer life’s most pressing questions. You stumble upon an article that’s as exciting as watching paint dry, written in the droll and detached voice of a machine. Indeed, these days there’s every chance it could be the work of…

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Man vs Machine – Pitting a blog written by man against a blog written by machine

Man vs Machine – Pitting a blog written by man against a blog written by machine

There has been more written about AI in the last 3 months than the last 3 decades and rightly so. We have half the population worried it’s going to destroy humanity and the other half worried it’s going to destroy our livelihoods. Indeed, it’s difficult to find a legitimately positive long-term perspective that isn’t motivated…


Living With the Machine: How to Use AI to Repurpose Website Content

Living With the Machine: How to Use AI to Repurpose Website Content

There are only so many words in the English language and only so many ways to position certain topics. That’s what makes evergreen content evergreen. However, constantly producing fresh and engaging content is a major part of SEO, particularly today as the algorithm is getting smarter and the ubiquity of AI content is starting to…
